Curly Rainbows
I was waiting for Mad to get home the other day, and looked out my window toward the beach as the sky turned a crazy burnt orange. Outside I could see there was rain falling on the clothes with lots of luminous clouds behind and I knew there had to be a crazy rainbow. A second later I caught it outside the window, and it was by far the brightest one I've ever seen. So naturally, I sprinted down the street and snagged a few frames along the way to the South Curl Curl beach before it disappeared. Some of the weather here that runs into the coast is just amazing. Definitely in my top reasons we chose to live near the beach! Gotta love the beautiful Northern Beaches.
i call this one, 'catchin a curly rainbow' haha
the beetle out front
beach street says stop. looks like destruction doesn't it???
and my favorite for last. best one i've ever seen!!