Thank you, Mr. Bill.
The only free day I had to shoot for myself this weekend was Sunday, which was a great opportunity to get some surfing shots thanks to Hurricane Bill. I woke up with only a couple hours sleep from shooting a wedding the night before, and headed to the beach for sunrise. I scored some pretty cool shots, but desperately wanted to try out my new underwater housing. I went back home to set up, and headed back to the beach. After being beaten in the surf for a good 15 minutes, I realized it was going to be a serious challenge swimming out to the break with a heavy camera and only one hand and fins. I decided to walk out on the inlet rocks and jump into the Manasquan inlet to swim around the end rocks and end up behind the breaking swell. The current and breaking waves had different plans for me, as did the Coast Guard, who came to pick me up after 2 people called me in. The stupid things I do for a good photo. Haha. Anyway, eventually I got back home and set up again and got some more cool shots from the beach. I think it was worth the madness! Check em out.
12 ft. + glassy barrels in the quiet early morning are one of the most beautiful things in the world.
sunrise on main beach, manasquan
gettin shacked!
this guy had a pretty sick board, and threw down some serious carving
another glassy empty double barrelsome serious slashing going on
this little kid pulled some wicked air, it was the perfect setup launch ramp
my buddy justin taylor showing how to slash the inlet