Merry Christmas!

You know it's going to be a good Christmas when you start the day out with a full fresh fruit buffet (say that five times fast) followed by a swim in the ocean!  After the swim, we headed back and cooked up some last minute things for the family party on the Central Coast about two hours north of Sydney.  It did end up raining, but it was still an awesome day.  Zara came along for the ride as well.  Not only did she get her fair share of toys and bones in the morning, but she also got to torment the animals at the farm up north.  It was a great Christmas and was totally different than what I'm used to, but I think I'm still partial to a white Christmas!  Hope all of you silent blog stalkers had a wonderful holiday as well :)

zara de-feathering her new duck toy... rest in peace

a couple cows on the farm

little eli reaching out for my cyclops lens, he had these amazingly piercing blue eyes

zara exhausted after running after the roosters and hounding the cows.  props to maddie for this shot, she grabbed my camera from the back seat because this one was too cute to pass up.

photo by maddie. check out her site and blog too!